Hey there minecraft lovers! Here are some pictures of Minecraft castles and handmade towns. I did not make theese just a BTW.
Hello there my fellow friends! Introducing... "The Secret N" INTERVIEW: The Author: Well hello there, "The Secret N"! How do you do? "The Secret N": I'm doing fine, thank you. The Author: Great! The Author: Well, let's get started. "The Secret N" do you write books? "The Secret N": As a matter, of fact I love to write. The Author: Cool! So do I! I like to write fantasy books and horror books.What kind of books do you write? "The Secret N": I specialize in realistic fiction. But I also write fantasy books. The Author: What kind of books do you like to read? "The Secret N": I love to read realistic fiction and fantasy. The Author: What books do you recommend? "The Secret N": I recommend "Tuesdays in the Castle", "Wednesdays in the Tower", and "Thursdays with the Crown". This is a series by Jessica Day George. The Author: Fan of Jessica Day Georg...
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