Wonder - Can Kindness be taught?
Can Kindness be Taught?
By DarkAngelBoy64
Can kindness be taught? I don’t believe it can be taught. I believe that kindness must be learned over time, and truthfully. Kindness should be something a kid(or adult) learns, by being kind, or receiving kindness.
Auggie is kind because his family showed lots of kindness to him, and he is kind back. In the story, Justin and Miranda tell Auggie that he is lucky to have such a nice family. Miranda even tells lies about Auggie, that she’s related to him.
If kindness is taught, I don’t think that the meaning really gets across. If there is a lecture on being kind, but no one is truly kind, you will never truly know what it is to be kind. People also misunderstand and think that “Oh, kindness means I help people and smile at them. However, I feel that kindness comes from the heart, and being around people that are kind. Kindness is when you do something, but don’t expect anything in return. Kindness is when you hold the door open for someone, and eventually, karma will hit you in the back. In fact, the definition of kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. That is why I believe that you can’t be taught kindness; you have to experience and give it.
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