
Showing posts from December, 2017

Moooooooosic!!! (Pure randomness) beware

Moomooomooomoo momoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoo moomoo moo moomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoo moomoomoomoomoomoo moomoomoomoo moomoomoomoo moo moomoomoo moomoomoomoomoo moomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoo (Pure randomness)

Hi guys! So, there's a website called, and if you don't want to spend a whole lot on drawing stuff, go there. Go on a touch-screen computer, or a regular computer is fine. You might want a mouse, since drawing on a computer with the pad is really hard, for me at least. In this post, I will make a short tutorial on 1. Entering When you search, you'll come to the home screen. Select your language, and continue. (Watch the video, Sorry it's not the best cause I'm multitasking.) The select tool lets you select stuff. more things in next video. Um, yeah.  The reason why sketch is so goo is you can draw stuff and make it bigger or smaller. :) 10 min later... Still editing.... Ok, later when i figure it out, ill post it.

Galactic Pretty Boy Stages

 One: The lineart   Two: The Little Bit of Color   Three: Finished

Some Neko Bookmarks....


Kankei and Hide - Comic Strip

So if you don't watch Tokyo ghoul, (I don't) Kankei is the white-haired boy. He's a (SPOILER ALERT) ghoul, and the red things are tentacles. Hide is his friend, and his full name is    Hideyoshi Nagachika 永近 英良 (ながちか ひでよし) I searched that up :). 

Red and Gold, and Takuto (Galactic Pretty Boy)

PLEASE View me on DeviantArt to see my art when it's first posted!!! And Watch me too!!! Click there (i dont have an arrow pointing downward :(   ) DarkAngelBoy64

My New Art - Ciel Phantomhive and A Panda Girl for my Friend


Nightcore - Switching Vocals


Wonder - Can Kindness be taught?

Can Kindness be Taught? By DarkAngelBoy64 Can kindness be taught? I don’t believe it can be taught. I believe that kindness must be learned over time, and truthfully. Kindness should be something a kid(or adult) learns, by being kind, or receiving kindness. Auggie is kind because his family showed lots of kindness to him, and he is kind back. In the story, Justin and Miranda tell Auggie that he is lucky to have such a nice family. Miranda even tells lies about Auggie, that she’s related to him. If kindness is taught, I don’t think that the meaning really gets across. If there is a lecture on being kind, but no one is truly kind, you will never truly know what it is to be kind. People also misunderstand and think that “Oh, kindness means I help people and smile at them. However, I feel that kindness comes from the heart, and being around people that are kind. Kindness is when you do something, but don’t expect anything in return. Kindness is when you hold the door open for...
Wonder Reading Extension Mr. Tushman By DarkAngelBoy64 “Kinder Than Is Necessary” - J. M. Barrie’s The Little White Bird Part 1 is at the beginning of the story, and part 2 is at the end. Part 1 The “Chosen Ones” The first week of school was quickly coming, and I had to get ready for it. Before, in the summer, I got a call. It was a call from a woman named Isabel Pullman. “Hello.” She told me. “We are the parents of the student who had their test at home, remember? And we gave you all the pictures?” I told her yes, and asked what was the matter. “We would like you to show Auggie around the school, and maybe get some of the kinder children to be friends with Auggie?” “Of course,” I replied. “I know just who to choose.” So the next day I called a few parents; Charlotte’s mother, Julian’s mother, and Jack’s mother. Julian’s arrogant mother thought her son was a “chosen one”. “Oh thank you Mr. Tushman, for picking my amazing little child!” She squeal...
I'll Start to post some art tutorials, I'm going to do a griffin, Alois Trancy, an angel cat, and possibly some chibi Pokemon. Sorry that I haven't posted in a long time, I am getting ready to post a lot of art on DeviantArt. Follow and watch me! I'm DarkAngelBoy64!!! Thanks, guys, byezzzz!!!! (This was posted at 10:00PM author will wake up later)

Karma - Assassination Classroom-#MyART


Ciel Phantomhive -#MyART
