Ghost Cat

By The Author

Table of Contents

  1. The Cat on the Road
  2. Ghost Cat
  3. Get that Cat!
  4. Mummifying the Cat
  5. Free of the Spirit


Something brushed against my leg. It felt soft but freezing. “Ahheek!” I cried, and jumped back.
“What Heather?” Luci asked, “Did a breeze scare the pants off you? At this rate if you get encountered with a ghost cat you’re going to die of fright,” Luci snickered.
“Hurumph. You should have felt that breeze. It was freezing cold,” I said grumpily.
“Heather, are you nuts? That breeze was nice and warm,” Luci scolded.
I rolled my eyes. “Luci, the breeze was freezing cold.”
“Then the Heather Haunting is here,” Luci said. “Whatever.”
Without warning the wind started blowing in our faces wildly. Whooosh!  A cold wind swept us off our feet. “I shouldn’t have said that!” Luci yelled loudly over the wind.

Chapter 1
The Cat on the Road

The cool breeze fluttered in my face. I took a deep breath of the fresh air. Splash! I jumped from the high diving board into the water below. “Bravo!” My swim teacher called to me. “Nice work. I’ll see you on Friday, Heather.”
I jumped out of the pool shivering. I grabbed my soft red towel and wrapped it around me. Rubbing myself down, I snatched my phone and called Dad. I couldn’t walk home now. A storm was brewing.
While waiting for Dad, I walked around the pool gazing at the ripples in the water created by the raindrop that had started pouring down.
Suddenly, I heard honk. Dad was here.
I snuggled in the car. Dad put the heater on in the car. Dad was swinging the windshield wipers full blast. The rain was pouring down, and you could only see a few feet in front of you.
Suddenly, Bam! Our car hit something! Dad swerved to the side of the road and braked hard. He clutched the umbrella and ran out into the rain. I ran after him. I tripped, and fell on something small and squishy. Looking back, I saw a cat. I put my hand on the cat. Cold. The cat was dead. “Dad!” I called. He came running. When he saw the cat, he sighed. “Let’s go,” He said.
Right when we turn to leave I heard an earsplitting yowl. I look back and see another cat running of into the rain. He looked disturbingly like the cat laying down dead, on the street. Huh? I pondered. Why is there an identical cat with the cat who just died ?

Chapter 2
Ghost Cat  

The next morning I woke up early to call my friend. “Hey Luci!” I said sadly into the phone. “The saddest thing happened yesterday.” I told her about the poor cat we had ran over. “Oh dear,” Luci said. “I’m so sorry for that poor cat!”
“But the strangest thing was,” I told her, “that when we turned to leave, I heard a yowl, and an identical cat was standing right next to the dead cat. It ran off the moment I looked at it. Also, my Dad said he didn’t hear a thing.”
“I have to go to the library. I’ll email you,” Luci said.

Luci signed onto
Heather signed onto

Luci: Hey, Heather, I’m at the library. I read something real strange. It says here in this book that cats have two lives. One life, a normal life. Then a second life, but this time, the cat is a ghost. The cat will haunt anyone who has seen it, and will not stop until the person dies. Or, If the person properly mummifies the cat.

Heather: That mean that the cat next to the dead cat was a ghost!?!

Luci: Yes, well I guess so.

Heather: I’ve seen the ghost cat! That means I’ll be haunted!

Luci: Heather, don’t be such a chicken. You’re not scared of anything!

Heather: I know! But what if the cat poos and pees on everything?

Luci: Uhhhhg. That is so disgusting Heather! Anyways if the cat does that, I think that it will go to cat jail! Let’s give the cat a name… How about Heather Haunting?

Heather: N-O no no no!

Luci: Why not?

Heather: ‘cause it’s my ghost cat. And I’m gonna name it.

Luci: But it makes perfect sense! It’s haunting you Heather, so the cat’s name should be Heather Haunting! Or… Haunting Heather!!!

Heather: Fine. Heather Haunting it is.

Luci: Yay!!!

Heather: I really don’t like the name Haunting Heather. How about Bob?

Luci: WHAT?!?!

Heather: Just kidding, just kidding!

Luci: Humph

Luci signed off
Heather signed off

Chapter 3
Get that Cat!

I woke up at 6:00 the next morning. Luci and I were gonna find that cat and mummify it. As much as I didn’t like touching roadkill, I had to do it. The poor cat should go to cat heaven or something.
Luci and I met at the park. “Hey Heather. I got toilet paper to mummify it, and some cat treats to bury with it,”Luci said to me as we got near the area the cat got ran over.
It was still there. Right there, rotting away.
Suddenly something brushed against my leg. It felt cold and icy. “Ahheek!” I cried, and jumped back.
“What Heather?” Luci asked, “Did a breeze scare the pants off you? At this rate if you get encountered with a ghost cat you’re going to die of fright,” Luci snickered.
“Hurumph. You should have felt that breeze. It was freezing cold,” I said grumpily.
“Heather, are you nuts? That breeze was nice and warm,” Luci scolded.
I rolled my eyes. “Luci, the breeze was freezing cold.”
“Then the Heather Haunting is here,” Luci said. “Whatever.”
Without warning the wind started blowing in our faces wildly. Whooosh!  A cold wind swept us off our feet. “I shouldn’t have said that!” Luci yelled loudly over the wind.
Immediately, the wind died down. “Wow,” Luci said. “I never knew that Heather Haunting cared about us fearing him.”
“Me neither,” I said. “C’mon let’s get that cat.”

Chapter 4
Mummifying the Cat

Luci and I picked up the dead cat in rubber gloves and dropped it in a trash bag. “Time to mummify and bury it,” Luci said in a silly voice. “Eeew.”
Luci and I decided to bury the dead cat under an oak tree surrounded by tulips. I held the dead cat with my latex gloves and Lucii mummified it. We sprayed on some perfume too. “It’s Lovely Lavender.” Luci said. “My favorite!”
The cat treats were put in a small shoebox. It was decorated with cat pictures and Egyptian symbols. “What are the Egyptian symbols for?” Heather asked.
“I read the book some more, and you’re supposed to write “Go in Peace Now” in Egyptian symbols.” Luci replied.
“Okay,” I said, not interested anymore.
As we covered the cat in dirt, I remembered something. “Hey Luci,” I said, “I think you’re supposed to put some jewelry on the mummy before you bury it.”  
We both groaned. We un-buried the cat, un-mummified it, and adorned it with our plastic diamond bracelets. Then we did the entire process  all over again. Sigh.

Chapter 5
Free of the Spirit

Whew! I was finally free of the cat’s spirit. It was so creepy! Although Heather Haunting never came back, another ghost did. I found out about the ghost while going downstairs at midnight. I would tell you about it, but that’s another story.


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