I Wish (Animal) I wish that every pet had a home. I wish that the Bengal tiger was still common. I wish that global warming would stop and save the polar bears. I wish that people would stop and notice nature's wonders, the creatures here before us. I wish... to save the animals. I Wish (Personal) I wish that I was an excellent artist. I wish that I could contribute more to this earth. I wish that I could be a better friend. I wish that I could get a better computer or fix the "q" key, so when I type about quailing quails, I wouldn't have to pause and press the "q" slowly. I Wish (Nightcore) I wish that Zen-kun, Sinon, underdogs., and all nightcores had a million more subscribers. I wish more people loved nightcore. I wish that more people hit that like button, and haters go sit in the hater corner. I wish that I could stop listening to nightcores over and over, for hours.